Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sang Bohemian

Sang BohemianSang Bohemian by Mursyidan Ismail
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Realiti? atau Ilusi? Imaginasi.
Lengkap. Sisi-sisi manusiawi yang wujud, diceritakan dalam bentuk menyentak dan buatku tersentak. Terlalu lena dalam zon selesa. Terlalu dibuai hangat kasih sayang yang melimpah ruah buatku lupa sisi-sisi manusia yang wujud.

Realiti atau Ilusi semata?
Bukan namanya penulis andai tiada imaginasi.
Bukan namanya seminam andai tidak berbicara tentang moral dan alam
Bukan dalam definisi bahasa
Tapi dalam definisi diri.

Ngeri bila membaca, tapi pada hakikatnya mungkin dan pasti wujud manusia seperti itu dalam ruang lingkup dunia yang tidak tercapai dek kita. Dan darahku berderau, muka ku pucat (hyperbola je ni). Seorang pendakwah itu bukan penghukum dosa, cuma berkongsi kasih kepada manusia dengan ilmu dan nikmat yang dikurnia Tuhan. Kerana pendakwah itu juga punya sisi-sisi hitam yang cuba dan telah ditinggalkan.

Dia yang lemas dalam kesunyian, hilang dari jalan-Nya, lantas terus tersesat dicemuh masyarakat. Wujud manusia seperti ini.
Dia yang kaya-raya, hidup bermewah kalah dengan asakan masalah menghimpit diri. Wujud manusia seperti ini.
Dia yang dikurnia Tuhan kelebihan ilmu, menjadi penghukum pendosa, kononnya menggalas tugas tuhan, bermegah dengan nama agama. Wujud manusia seperti ini.
Dia yang memburu hiasan terindah dunia, hanyut dalam dakapan itu. Wujud manusia seperti ini.

Ubat apakah buat mereka, buat aku, dan buat dikau
Melainkan Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah
Ubat apakah merawat sepi, menenangkan jiwa, menjadi 'humble'
Melainkan 'Ihdina siratal mustaqim'
Jalan yang lurus membawa kepada Tuhan.

*The story, its awesome yet scary at the same time. To be able to live in kind and warm environment, I am grateful. To learn that there is world like one in this book, I feel responsible and shame of my ignorant.

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Gadisku Wan Adnin

Gadisku Wan AdninGadisku Wan Adnin by Noor Suraya
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lama tak baca buku jenis yang bawa pada masa silam macam Enrique Mengundang Jauh dan 1515. Buku yang membawa kembali kepada sejarah lalu. Biarpun, mungkin faktanya ada kebenaran dan hanyalah fiksyen semata. Buku-buku macam ni memupuk kembali rasa kasih dan keinginan mendalam untuk lebih tahu tentang sejarah. Ya, rasa yang telah dipendam tidak dibaja. Buku ini walaupun tak banyak bawa pada masa silam, sejarah Negeri Kedah, tapi sedikit sebanyak membawa aku berfikir pada kebenaran dan kesahihan sebuah sejarah. Indah! Kembali mengenal sejarah itu indah dan sayu.

Oh, sudah tentu cerita ini berkait dengan hati dan perasaan dua insan yang ingin disatukan atas ikatan yang bernama perkahwinan.

Tapi hakikat cerita yang menjadi 'highlight' padaku adalah pentingnya kita tahu salah-silah keturunan untuk tidak berlaku kecelaruan dalam urusan2 penting.(Oke, agak pening nak faham nasab keluarga dalamm cerita ni)

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tadabur Al-Fatihah

Ummul Al-qur'an
Surah yang penting. tak da fatihah dlm solat, tak sah.
7 masani = tujuh ayat yang berulang2

Isi kandungan Al-fatihah 3:

1)-Khusus untuk Allah
2)-Hamba & Allah
3)-hamba sahaja

1) tiga ayat pertama
-rabbul 'alamin. tuhan semesta alam
maha pemurah dan maha penyayang. Al-Rahman meliputi semua makhluk/alam. Al-Rahim, untuk or mukmin

-Maliki yaum middin; pemilik/raja

alhamdulillah. Ibu kepada doa. apabila menerima sesuatu, kita sebut alhamdulillah, ada lagi tambahan daripada Allah, yang kita tak tahu. bila bersyukur, akan ada penambahan.

2) Makhluk memberi perhambahan kepada Allah, memohon kepada Allah sesuatu. Bila hamba meminta, Allah akan memberi

3) untuk hamba yang memohon kepada Allah, minta hidayah...ALlah akan bawa kepada jalan yang lurus dan menjauhkan jalan yang sesat.

Gabungan keseluruhan AL-fatihah membawa kepada visi dan misi.
Visi-mendapat keredhaan Allah. berjumpa Allah
MIsi: Iyya kana'budu. memenuhi ibadah kepada Allah.Kesungguhan kita sendiri untuk menyembah Allah.
17x sehari.-bacaan solat

Allah itu Rub kita.
Tidak ada sesiapa yang boleh menolong melainkan Allah
MOhon hidayah selalu kepada Allah.

membina kehidupan yang sejahtera. Bacaan surah dengan penghayatan dapat diperolehi dan merawat MISI dan VISI dan hidayah.

Klinik Al-Fatihah.


Kembali kepada  Al-Fatihah.


Kembali kepada  Al-Fatihah.


Kembali kepada Al-Fatihah.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sayu & Segah

Bukan Segah
Jari-jemarinya halus
Melambai pergi

'Saatku hampir tiba
Aku harus mengorak langkah
Apakah manfaatku kau peroleh?
Atau kehadiranku tidak kau sedari?

Bukan Segah
Kian hampir dirinya
Memohon pamit

Kau Sayu?
Kau Segah?

'Aku Sayu
Barangkali ini saat akhirku bersamamu
Belum puas aku bersamamu
Inginku dakap syahdu malammu
Inginku kucup wangian syurgamu
Inginku terus-terus bersamamu
Leka merugikan aku'

'Aku Segah
Terlalu enak saat kau datang
Rezekiku melimpah-ruah
Aku kekenyangan
Meraut segala kemewahan yang kau bawa
Lenaku lewat malam sehari-harian
Usai kau pergi
Aku bersorak gembira
Mengisi bunyi keroncong, membilang mewah'

'Dia tersenyum
Bibir mulusnya membujuk Sayu
Moga-moga kita ketemu lagi
Sambut aku meriah
Sambut aku sungguh-sungguh
Bergembiralah! Bergembiralah!
Wahai Sayu
Limpahkan lewat hari-hari bersamaku
Manfaatkan hari-hari bersamaku
Kau dimuliakan
Bersama-sama tetamu dahulu

Celakalah! Celakalah!
Wahai Segah
Saat kau buta
Melihatku datang
Datangku silih berganti
Kau peroleh mewahnya hidup sementara
Saat kau pekak
Bilaku memanggil
Kau peroleh cuma lunaknya suara emas berlaga'

Saatku telah tiba
Selamat tinggal Sayu
Selamat tinggal Segah

*Ramadhan 1434H: Terima kasih Allah untuk Ramadhan kali ini.
**Nangis. Sekejapnya masa berlalu. Terleka, terlena, hanyut. Adakah kita betul-betul penuhi Ramadhan kita? -refleksi diri-

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Risalah An-Nur 1

Risalah Ramadan dan SyukurRisalah Ramadan dan Syukur by BADIUZZAMAN SAID NURSI
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

=) Tambah ilmu. Tambah iman. Tingkat amal. Kualiti ibadah bertambah. Selamat bertemu Kembali hai Ramadhan <3 br="">
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ObasanObasan by Joy Kogawa
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Akhirnya!buku ni best...tapi susah sangat nak baca sebab genre yang berbeza dan lain dari kebiasaan bahan bacaan. Berkisar tentang perang dunia pertama dan orang menjadi racist disebabkan rumours dan hasutan. Saling tidak percaya. Perang antara Jepun dan Canada. Dan akhirnya rakyat canada berbangsa jepun (lahir dan menetap di canada) menjadi mangsa. Mereka disisihkan. Dianggap pengkhianat. Dihantar ke ceruk pedalaman. Harta disita. Makanan dicatu.

Selalu je dengar pasal Hiroshima dan Nagasaki menjadi mangsa bom atom. Tapi tak pernah terbaca bagaimana seksanya rakyat-rakyat yang menjadi mangsa bom atom ini. Ngeri! Pertama kali digambarkan bagaimana nasib mereka yang di hadiahi bom atom di Nagasaki.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Tenanglah hati

Jangan di duga hati ini.
Aku bakal merana kerana tingkah laku-mu
Jangan di usik hati ini
Saat aku begitu rapuh di mata-mu

Andai kau tidak pernah ikhlas
Andai kau tidak mengerti maksud perit
Andai kau punya maruah

Saat ini
Bukan saat itu
Saat itu juga
Bukan saat ini

Menunggu saatnya tiba
Bukan dalam aturan-mu
Tapi dalam aturan-Nya

Relakan hati ini tenang
Dalam dakapan aturan-Nya
Bukan dalam dakapan aturan-mu

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Another History

Another history
To you and to me

Another history
To be weaken?
To become stronger?
The choice is ours

Another history
To be recorded
To be remembered
To become a memory
Of ours

They fall
I choose to be stronger
They rise
I still choose to be stronger
And you?

To be supported by you
In a different manner than the other
In a unique ways than the usual one
Am grateful
Am thankful

Be strong. Be stronger.
Because yesterday is a history
Because today we will create another history
A story of you and me. Ours

*Oh yeah...manglish!really. Not the best of mine, but nevertheless it is mine and its my pride.
**In the memory of my late uncle; 29.05.13 10.00 am
***Inspired by three songs: A thousand times, Patah Hati, and Trial of Life

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bangkit Semula

Berjalan. Berlari. Terjatuh.
Bangkit semula. Melangkah kembali.
Aahh... Langkahku hampir ke penghujung.
Begitu berat langkah kaki.
Seakan jarak itu begitu jauh.
Keinginan untuk menamatkan perjalanan ini membuatkan aku terburu-buru.
Lantas aku jadi goyah.
Langkahku tidak teguh.
Sabarlah wahai 'daku'.
Teruslah tersenyum,
Melangkah berhati-hati sampai ke destinasi.
Bangkit semula,
Dari sakit yang melelahkan.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

That Turning Point, That Journey (2)

Yuuki Kimihiro is an older son of Kimihiro family, an established Tea Ceremony Business through-out the nation. He was brought-up in a strict environment and had to be able to uphold his manner all the time. He had to learn all the techniques for the Tea Ceremony ever since he was 5 year-old. Being almost in-door since his childhood day, he was an awkward person when it comes to socialising with his friends.

When entering the middle school with his quite manner, most of the girls from his school were admiring him because of his handsome feature and his famous family business. Yuuki found this quite irritating, but could do nothing that would cease these girls from chasing him. Some of the boys found his attitude as an arrogant-young-master, while the others were attracted by his polite manner.

Above all, Yuuki never could find solace when he was among his friends except few of them. Being an obedient child, he never argued with what his father and mother had planned for his future. Everything changed when that incident happened. He could no longer abide by the law that set by his parent. His thirst for knowledge had set him forward towards his new goal; to find the truth behind the incident.

He has two brothers and sisters that he adored so much, and sometimes envied of their freedom. So much so that he did not know that the second son of Kimihiro, Akira felt the same envied toward his older brother. Being the centre of attention among the relatives and their parent acquaintances, Akira wished that Mifune Kimihiro and Kyouko Kimihiro would pay more attention to him. He decided to walk the path of the successor in order to surpass his carefree brother, Yuuki.

Despite Akira interest in learning the art of tea ceremony pleased Mifune and Kyouko, they never once thought that Akira could surpass Yuuki. In Yuuki point of view, Akira interest was purely due to his love of the ceremony and Yuuki welcomed his brother wholeheartedly. Least that he knew his brother intention was due to his envied.

Akihiro Kimihiro, was pleased to see his brothers and parent happy would not bother with the family business although Mifune and Kyouko tried to persuade Akihiro to join his brothers to learn the art of the ceremony. Mifune and Kyouko give up putting Akihiro into the training. Akihiro understood his twin brother, Akira most. However, he wanted to believe that his suspicious of Akira’s attitude toward Yuuki was mistake. This blessed family continue to live together in Fukushima prefecture, the olden house design isolated from most of the resident house.

Mifune and Kyouko would always and repeatedly pronounce the golden word of the master of the tea ceremony; Sen Rikyou-sensei before their breakfast started that the boys grew tired yet remember each word perfectly along with the intonation that their parent used when reciting the word.

"Tea is nought but this;
First you heat the water,
Then you make the tea.
Then you drink it properly.
That is all you need to know"

The parent believed that, these words are most beautiful that when repeatedly recite, would entranced their children to enter into this business and expand the wealth of Kimihiro's family. Though, they were mistaken.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Finally, after almost a year, this project [MACEX'13] is official. With a proper approval from the higher-up of the university.

As for today, we will have an interview session for the selected candidates that will join force with us in realizing this dream. Nagai, nagai no yume!

copyright from Mr. Kind google yet again (=

From the start I had this doki doki feeling.Hopefully the new people are the one that I could get along well, soretemo, they are people that could give a 120% commitment for this project.

All the best to the interviewer and the rest of the team members. Wish that this day will run smoothly. Amin
May Allah bless us!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

That Turning Point, That Journey (1)


He walked again through that path. To and fro, and never felt bored with the same routine. Why is it so? His friends were wondering how could he lead that 'boring' life, with less entertainments?

'No wonder, he has no girlfriends 'till now, though he indeed good looking...'

'Tsk...dont bother asked him, he surely refuse your offer...'

'Is he even exist in the same world as us? Or is he live in the parallel world to us?'

People are talking, about his 'boring' life. Most of them looked at him as a weirdo and some even mocking him.

Ryuuga had the chance to ask the exact question that everyone around him asked. Indeed, its might reach thousandth time, the question is being asked.

"Why do you always go through that path? Even when we had new road, much more comfortable and smoother, in fact, its rather a short route to your destination, Yuuki-chan."

Again, he just smiling as he usually did to other people. However, Yuuki loves Ryuuga so much to ignore the question. Teasing his best buddy, Yuuki replied Ryuuga with question.

"After ten years of waiting, for us to be reunited again, is that the only question you have accumulated for me?"

Ryuuga laugh. Yuuki smile.

"Did you know, why they called me boring nowadays?"

"Did they? Have they all gone blind? Don't they see how good looking, handsome, gay your look is?"


"Well, what do you think of me?" a short pause before Yuuki continue while shrugging, "Not that I care~"

Again, Ryuuga laugh. Hard.

"Have you gone mad? Never in my life even once you ask me this type of question. Is our ten-year of separation made you become sappy?"

Again, Yuuki shrugged.

Ryuuga knew, something had changed within his friend. If through e-mail and chatting, Ryuuga could not really detected what was happening in this land, their birthplace, seeing Yuuki in front of him, puzzle him even more.

"Hey dude, what's really is happening when I am gone?"

Sigh. Although Yuuki had thought that this would come at the end, he never want it to be this soon. He did not prepared yet, but, its has to be today. If Ryuuga knew from someone else he would be in rage.

"I am a Muslim."

