Sunday, November 30, 2014


Marked one year of our marriage
And still counting
'Till Jannah, Insya Allah

Monday, November 17, 2014


Yesterday was windy
Although it was only for a night
When he was back, he put me on a huge smile with this surprise.

A slice of cake is enough to fill my empty stomach
A slice of cake is enough to make me float in the air
When you received it from dear one <3 br="">

Friday, November 14, 2014

Jaulah, kerja

Awal bulan November baru-baru ni berpeluang sekali lagi menjejakkan kaki ke Tanah Tinggi Cameron. Kalau tahun lepas buat pertama kalinya menjejaki Tanah Tinggi Cameron dengan En Suami. Kali ini bersama rombongan kerja. Katanya kasi lepas tekanan sebelum berjuang habis-habisan untuk minggu graduasi.
Boleh jugalah nak mengeratkan hubungan dengan teman sekerja, pecah ais (baca: ice-breaking). Heh, dah hampir lapan bulan tak habis berkenalan lagi. Walaupun dalam masa yang singkat, dapatlah juga meneroka Tanah Tinggi Cameron. Tempat-tempat yang tak sempat nak dikunjungi tahun lepas.

Agak berberbeza cuaca tahun lepas dengan tahun ini. Walaupun hujan turun seperti tahun lalu, tapi dinginnya tidaklah mencucuk tulang. Sejuknya tak sampai menggigil-gigil. Mungkin kerana kerakusan manusia menarah dan membotakkan bukit-bukit untuk mengaut keuntungan tanpa terfikir pada konsikuensi tindakan yang dilakukan itu lama-kelamaan bakal memakan diri.

Boleh berlaku tanah runtuh (na'uzubillahi minzalik), perubahan cuaca yang bakal memberi kesan pada pertumbuhan tanaman jangka masa yang panjang. Bahkan, saat menaiki bas menuju dari satu destinasi ke satu destinasi, kelihatan kesan hakisan sepertinya tanah sudah tidak kukuh melekat.
Namun, pengalaman dan kerisauan ini juga satu pendidikan buat diriku.

Sempat untuk menikmati dan menghayati sejarah dan pertumbuhan pola kehidupan di Tanah Tinggi Cameron sedari zaman sebelum kemerdekaan. Kesan dari penjajahan British dan Jepun, sedikit-sebanyak membawa budaya mereka ke dalam negara kita. Seni dan reka bentuk bangunan terilham daripada negara British. Sedangkan Jepun pula membawa masuk tanaman ubi.

Mungkin baik kiranya pemaju memikirkan untuk mengekalkan bentuk Tanah Tinggi Cameron. Datangkan dengan idea membaik pulih tanpa perlu merobek lagi. Seperti MuziumTime Tunnel, membawa kita menghayati perubahan demi perubahan yang berlaku dalam masa yang sama, mengekalkan nilai estetika Tanah Tinggi Cameron.

Mungkin, tanpa kemajuan yang berlebihan, Tanah Tinggi ini mampu menarik lebih ramai pelancong yang sekali-sekala ingin hidup dan merasa dingin embun pagi yang sukar diperolehi di bawah kota. Keheningan yang mendamaikan berbanding hiruk-pikuk kota yang tidak berhenti bergerak.


My three-pieces of work.
My art.

Though there still room for improvement. A lot.

Alhamdulillah. Had the opportunity to sew this three clothes myself.

1-Peach Lace; my wedding reception at my hubby side 2-8-2014
2-Brown Jubah for the Solemnization of the dear friend 20-9-2014
3-Green Modern Kurung for work-attire, convocation event 9-11-2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Postcard from dear little one. Such a warming message and symbolic picture.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gambar sekadar hiasan

Genap setahun tiga bulan usia perkenalan kita. Saat-saat ini satu tahun yang lalu, bicara antara kita ditemani abah dan ibu. Saat-saat ini satu tahun yang lalu, perhubungan kita hanyalah atas urusan rasmi. Benar, satu tahun yang lalu aku malu menghulurkan ucapan biarpun tika itu sudah kupahat dalam memori hari istimewa ini.

Setahun dan kita masih dalam fasa perkenalan. Setiap hari yang dilalui bersama membuka misteri demi misteri. Indah, bukan.

Seperti semalam, seperti hari ini dan juga akan datang. Kita bakal terus berkenalan dan meniti hari demi hari penuh warna-warni kehidupan.

Duhai abang,
Terima kasih untuk pelangi kehidupan ini.

Selamat menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran yang ke 25
Sanah helwa ya habibati
Otanjoubi omedeto
Happy birthday to you 

Melangkah, melakar, dan menghitung usia perkahwinan yg bakal menjangkau usia setahun, sebulan lagi.
Moga Allah redha.
With love

P/s: Salam Eidul Adha.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A peace of mind

Ramadhan is about to leave me. Us.
I keep asking myself. What have I done?
To be better. To be closer.
No answer came at me directly.
Every incidents that happen recently make me ponder, maybe there are somethings that I should let go or experienced before everything fall into the rightful places.

Truthfully, it terrifying not knowing what will happen. But, I will brace it out bravely, sometimes cowardly.

What is right? What is not? Do the decision I made is the right thing to do? Or maybe it the worse possible choice that I had made? Can you give me the answer to this? No. You can't. The only thing that I could do is to believe and have faith with the decision that I had made. He will guide me when necessary. Indeed. I will ask for His guidance constantly.

I have been thinking much. What will become of my future? My career? My dreams? My marriage. The progress of thinking is so little. At least there has been some progress.

My future will be further my study under my desired and interest course. Which I had lost long time ago. I had forsaken it and now I want to rebuild anew. I was wondering what is my interest and my desired, my passion. I keep looking and i found that I still love writing and reading. Thus maybe, I could become a writer. My study could be around this field.

I do not wish to be in my current career for a long time. Not my whole life. I would like to open a company or at least, do business. Though above all, my career path should be Writer. To this point, my two questions were answered. Partially. I need to come-out with a 'blueprint' though. Then, how long should I been living in this career? Perhaps three years, perhaps five years. I hope it would be less than five years.

Credited to Mr. Google
I have been dreaming of travelling around the world. The most place I want to go are Japan, Makkah and Madinah (To perform my Hajj and Umrah and to visit my Prophet), and Britain. My passion comes from Britain and Japan. I love the classical writers and books from Britain. I want to experience all the culture and nature of both country.

I keep falling in love with Japan through its anime, manga, and drama as well as some of the idols. Above all, their culture and sakura blooming. All these, i could learn from all the above mention lists.

The beauty of the country and the well mannered of the people in these country. I wish to experience it first-hand. Why not. I wish this dreams will come true, someday.

Credited to Mr. Google
Yes, Let me fantasized about this, let my imagination goes beyond. perhaps it will help me to achieve this dreams. Who knows. Him.

I wish to have babies and children. Be with them, looking at them growing, cuddle them and showering them with affectionate and passionate love. Those feelings, I wish and long to feel. Why want children. For mankind, that would be an ideal answer. Forgive me, for I am imperfect being. I want kids for my own selfish being. I want to cuddle them. I want to be the center of their attention, to be one of the important figure for them. To see them growing and fond of me. Yes, they will leave me one day, when they would build their own family, or perhaps I will leave them first. It is a sad feeling. But having one remembering is no dead. I will live in their memories and du'a.

I knew, raising child nothing like playing a doll. I would sometimes lose my patients, angry, sad heart-broken. But it also come with every positive feelings you could come up. Is not it wonderful. It will be my training ground. Life is training ground. We will keep on making mistakes and re-do it to make it right and perfect in our sense. I am imperfect being to begin with. I will have those feelings. Still, I want to be able to love the children. I can.

Credited to Mr. Google

Everything seems far-fetch. But I want to realize it. Within my ability, with His help and guidance. I am blessed with a family of so kind-hearten and understanding. I am blessed with having the opportunity to make my own family. My Little Family, which start from two people.

During this few days left of Ramadhan, I would like to apology for my insensitive and overly re-action and my writing  and any wrong-doing which make any of you feel offended. 

Strive for what left. Double energy!

Bless us during this Ramadhan, Ya Rabb!

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Ramadhan this year is unlike the other years, exactly. It will be different.
Me have another family member fasting together, then he is going to break-fast together as well. With my other family member.

He was different than any other family member, but equally important as my other family member.

It's going to be my first Ramadhan with my dear husband, and not going to be the last, Insya Allah.
We are going on a long journey, so lets hope we keep steadfast.

A good start for a new life and refreshing Ramadhan.

May Allah grant us His bless.

Ramadhan Kareem.

with love,


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bakal mencuba sekali lagi menceburi dunia penulisan.
Semoga berjaya!

Friday, May 30, 2014

My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done
Leave countless marks for good or ill ere sets the evening sun
This is the wish I always wish, the prayer I always pray;
Lord, may my life help other lives it touches by the way.
A life without love
is a waste.
“Should I look for
spiritual love, or material, or physical love?”
Don’t ask yourself this question.
Discrimination leads to discrimination.
Love doesn’t need any name,
category or definition.
Love is a world itself.
Either you are in, at the center…
either you are out,
~ Shams Tabrizi
It ain't a selfish love, when I'm with you
You remind me of Allah, and so I know it's true
I'll just say it: you are the one


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ibu...selamat ulang tahun

Happy Birthday and happy mother's day ibu
Yesterday we were having such a wonderful celebration.
Though just simple, yet full of memorable memories being reminisced.

Syukur because we have our mom still.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Aquaria KLCC

My first time inside the Aquaria.
With kids around me.
An opportunity which would not come if i don't work here.
To come here by myself, I would think


Friday, May 2, 2014

2 Insan 1 Idea

Menulis sekarang menjadi begitu sukar. Writing block? Nah, bukan itu. Tapi seakannya aku telah hilang inspirasi. Perlu menjalani terapi, barangkali. Tidak, ya, sedang menjalani terapi. Sendiri.

Aku pernah berkenalan dengan dua insan yang aku kagumi dari jauh, dalam diam. Bilamana mereka bertemu, tentu sahaja ada butir bicara yang hangat, menghangatkan lagi perbincangan ilmiah dan menguji minda sang pendengar. Pun begitu, butir bicara mereka tetap dalam etika open-minded dan menyanjung dan menghormati perbezaan pendapat. Bahkan mereka juga membuka ruang untuk kembali berbincang bagi mendapatkan nas-nas dan bersama hujah yang kukuh di support dengan bukti-bukti.

Dan aku juga yakin, kedua-duanya dihormati dan dikasihi oleh teman-teman sekelilingnya. Bilamana mereka bertemu, pasti bakal tercetus idea yang ideal dan tak terfikir dek normalnya pemikiran, seperti aku. Seperti pepatahnya orang putih, It takes two to tango. Begitu juga mereka. Seperti dua insan bila bertemu bisa memberi kesegaran dan pencerahan pada minda yang lelap.

Oh, mereka berdua bisa aja bergerak solo. Sendiri. Mereka punya idea dan prinsipnya masing-masing. Teguh berpegang dengan prinsip dan sehabis daya cuba mengamalkan prinsip mereka. Tapi sepertinya mereka begitu indah bila bersama. Bagai Viola dengan pemuziknya. Tidak akan berbunyi Viola tanpa penggeseknya. Takkan beralun indah irama muzik hasil dari gabungan dua entiti ini. Siapa viola, siapakah penggeseknya bukan menjadi isu utama. Pokoknya bila mereka bertemu, bukankah dunia ini lebih berwarna-warni.

Dan kini, ku yakin sekali, mereka berdua sedang dalam melaksanakan idea masing-masing. Cuma kadang-kadang, aku rindu pada gabungan mereka berdua. Apakah aku bakal melihat kembali mereka bertemu dalam satu wacana barangkali? Indah bukan.

Bicaraku buat mereka berdua cumalah dalam ruang-lingkup alam maya ini. Tapi mereka jugalah pencetus inspirasi buatku.

Pertemuanku dengan mereka bukanlah dalam jalan yang puitis. Tapi padaku, itulah pertemuan yang paling puitis dan indah, kerana merekalah jambatan hikmah kepadaku.

Untuk kamu dan kamu, semoga terus teguh dalam jalan yang ditempuhi biarpun kalian mungkin saja tidak bertembung dan bertemu lagi. Namun takdir Allah, siapa yang bisa menghalangnya? Ku doakan agar ada lagi pertemuan buat kalian, buat kita semua.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Photoshop Wednesday: MACEX black white effect

black-white effect

The memories that keep flowing in my mind
Gives strength to the soul
Mobilizing both physical and emotional

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cooking Tuesday: Spanish Omelette

It was months ago. This recipes were.
Here it goes,

Spanish Omelette

Disclaimer: Totally not my recipe, by the way. Just omitting a bit ingredient which i don't have

Olive Oil
1 Onion, Sliced
1 red pepper, de-seeded and sliced
1 green pepper, de-seeded and sliced
1 potato, peeled and diced
6 eggs, beaten
salt and ground black pepper

How to cook:
1. Boil the diced potatoes until it tender and then drain it.
2. Heat a lidded non stick frying pan with olive oil, stir fry the onion and peppers until coloured.
3. Stir the diced potatoes into the frying pan with the onion and peppers.
4. Season the eggs then pour into the frying pan. Shake to settle the content and cook over a gentle heat
5. Ready to serve. Voila

Monday, April 14, 2014


Start a new routine as per today.
Been a housewife for almost four month and two weeks.
Yup. My status changed. Married already for four month and two weeks
Start working today, and hopefully could cope with both working and house chores.

30 November 2013-Alhamdulillah. Is bless by this marriage and is bliss.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

'Tak kan Surut Walau Selangkah...'

gelombang keadilan, by Soutul Harakah.

Its an inspiring song.

So much so when we are forgetting the biggest matter in our life and focusing on the trivial matters.

'I want to buy that and this...'

'I hope that they would stop doing that and this...'

'My cgpa is just ___ *sigh*...mada mada...'

'They look cool wearing that and this...'

'Aww... this drama is so heart-warming. My tears could not stop at all while watching it.'

'This party is the right one. You are in the wrong party. You should come to us'

'Your ways of doing things are wrong! Ours are the right way'

bla...bla...bla...and etc.

Indeed its happen to everyone at a certain point. That it's hardly to recognize.
Often we lost. Of what should we do and what we ought to do.
Often we lost. Of what we want and what we must have.
Often we lost. Of our biggest goal in life.

Living in hell? Living with pride?
We choose.

Die in vain? Die with full heart?
We choose.

Face it.
Step by step towards the goal.
Don't stop,
Even if we fall, stand up!
Even when we tired of running, then Walk!
Even when we fail, try again!
Even we met with dead-end, make a detour!

We will meet with our desired goal, outcome.

Life is hard
Everything seems unfavorable at the moment
We can go through it now, even in future
Jannah is our ultimate Goal.

"O Lord, may this wishes be heard. May we walk down the path we have chosen humbly with 'izzah toward Thou"

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

Snow Flower and the Secret FanSnow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

laotong-nu shu-footbinding and the culture & customs of china long long time ago.

I seems to travel into that world, looking from afar how they lives a life during that time. Me? I dont wish to live in that era, nor do i wish to become a son. How lowly women were treated during these days. But i love the sound and the meaning of laotong. resonate through my heart, thinking of people that i hold dearly. That i am proud to call as my laotong.

A combination of history and a complexity of human being.

I heart this book and I ship this book.

View all my reviews

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Childhood Friend Of Anne Frank

A Childhood Friend Of Anne FrankA Childhood Friend Of Anne Frank by Alison Leslie Gold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So what's the big deal with World War?

We don't really and exactly understand and feel these survivors feelings. What they had gone through. Even through writing their experiences, we somehow cannot fathom why and how that could happen. Such cruelty. So gruesome. All humanity was stripped from the soldier whom abide by the leader's law.

So many things that we are now could not discover the truth. A child and toddler to undergo such traumatic events, i wonder how they grow up to be? Would they able to sleep in the night? For while reading this book, i had nightmares.

Living inside this little girl's, Hanneli, becoming a woman under such circumstance, I am scared to think of another war to happen. People could be cruel in the desperate situation. We excessively have foods, they sometime eat no more, for days. We live in comfortable and luxurious house, they searching and looking for a single hygiene blanket to warm them through the day and night.

Yet, we are ungrateful being. Looking for more and forgotten about the needy that live next to ours. Forgotten how world used to be.

Don't want to live in that era, but it is enough to make me contemplate and appreciate what i have now.

View all my reviews