Saturday, October 30, 2021



This is not easy. I am drowning and I do not know how to swim. I am having a panic attack in the middle of the vast sea. Though some said to be calm and positive as to not make it worse, I am unable to think so.


A far fetch emotion. How will you be able to calm and think positively, it such a wonder. Will someone notice me? Cause the sea is so big that I am insignificant.


Will I be able to be safe. Or will I be leaving first. Perhaps this is the last time I will be able to breathe. Though I almost forgot how to breathe.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Ladies Talk

 Niatkan perjalanan hidup ini kerana Allah. Dalam perjalanan ini kadang-kala kita terlupa akan niat utama kehidupan kita; bertaqwa kepada Allah dan mencari redha Allah. Kerana akhir perjalanan hidup kita ini matlamat kita hanya satu: Syurga.

Allah mengetahui apa yang kita kerjakan; Allah sentiasa memerhatikan perbuatan baik dan buruk kita.

Ibrah dari surah Al-Hasyr, 59: 18-20